Tuesday, May 23, 2006

not a weird-ass picture book, but...?

I need a new book phrase... MotherReader? Bueller? I got a book from the library called One Lonely Sea Horse, which has illustrations of sea creatures created from fruits and vegetables. Very cute, needless to say--how can you not love dolphins made out of bananas? But the text...

"Six playful dolphins then arrived.
'Hey, Bea!' they called. 'Let's leap and dive!'"

And that's probably one of the better ones.

You know, they're not even trying. It's like someone said, this book will sell on the pictures, who the hell cares what it sounds like?

This poor mom who has to read the thing, that's who.

And I can only imagine how the picture book writers who slave over rhymes and rhythm and scansion grind their teeth over these.


Blogger MotherReader bligged...

I've seen these books, and it's still pretty weird-ass to me. I just say NO to veggies in my books. You have to draw the line somewhere.

But I get what you're saying about crappy rhyme scheme books. They bug me, BUG ME, because all I can think when I read them is "Call me publisher! I can do better than THAT."

BTW, I noticed your list of previous posts on the side and I have to ask, are you getting some strange searches leading to your blog? Cause you did follow-up "Definition of Anal" with "Alternatives to Sex" and then "weird-ass" all as blog titles. You must have attracted some disappointed men this week.

5/26/2006 8:14 AM  

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