Sunday, June 08, 2008

huff... puff...

Crossing the finish line now! Technically, I still have almost another 12 hours, but grl2grl utterly did me in. I'm now going to curl up with a favorite Georgette Heyer or something like that as an Existential Alka-Seltzer.

So, totals:

6 books (one more than last year)

reading time: 9 hours, 25 minutes (+25 minutes on books I decided not to finish)
writing time: 4 hours, 53 minutes
total time: 14 hours, 43 minutes (43 minutes more than last year)
pages: 1378 (not counting unfinished books) (115 pages more than last year)

Favorite book: Hmmm. I think the best book was probably This is What I Did, but I most enjoyed reading Wicked Lovely.

Least favorite book: Bucking the Sarge, which was a real disappointment.

I'm pleased that I beat my record; I honestly didn't even expect to break even, what with the craziness of life lately.

So what did I learn? Well, 4 out of my 6 reviews took 55 minutes to write. That's kind of interesting, for whatever it's worth.

I learned I still really do like YA literature. I enjoyed reading all of the books I finished, and several I thought were truly excellent. I think I would have been happier if I'd stocked more of a variety, to break things up a bit, but I did get to finally read some books I've been curious about for ages. I hope having reminded myself of how terrific YA books can be, I'll make more of an effort to read them in the future.

And I learned, again, that my own perfectionism is my worst enemy as a reviewer these days. Doing the challenge, with the permission to just whip things out imperfectly and move on, gets around my tendency to panic and freeze. Now I need to think of some other techniques to accomplish the same thing. Maybe I should set myself a weekly challenge of some kind.



Blogger Lady S. bligged...

I'm still catching up from the Challenge (though I did have major house-falling-apart problems right after), so reading backwards through your posts... just wanted to say I think your idea of a weekly challenge is brilliant. I also feel as if I get something more than just a fun weekend doing a group read out of this, and it would be nice to bring that into the rest of the year. Hmmm. Must give this some thought.

6/15/2008 7:24 AM  
Blogger web bligged...

Hey, maybe we can coordinate and do a book at the same time. What's on your reading list?

6/15/2008 12:48 PM  
Blogger Lady S. bligged...

What a fun idea! I'm waiting for Debbie Harry Sings in French by Meagan Brothers (thanks to a review on 7 Impossible Things) and How To Be Bad by E. Lockhart et al. to get here, and today I just ordered the one you reviewed along with Sara Zarr's Story of a Girl. And - oh, those are the only ones that I've ordered atm, trying to remember others - I'm waiting for Ink Exchange (also liked Wicked Lovely a lot) to come out here, and same for the latest Percy Jackson, and second Cassandra Clare. (And I must finish A Great and Terrible Beauty, but that's not really for fun.) Anything there sound of interest and not yet read?

6/15/2008 1:15 PM  
Blogger web bligged...

I have DHSiF, so let me know when yours arrives. The library doesn't have Ink Exchange yet, alas, but I'll see if I can find How to Be Bad and Story of a Girl.

6/15/2008 5:02 PM  
Blogger web bligged...

No luck with HtBB, but I've ordered Story of a Girl, should get it in a few days.

6/15/2008 5:04 PM  
Blogger Lady S. bligged...

Debbie Harry and HtBB have just arrived! So, I'm game for anything. Anything involving those two, anyway.

6/18/2008 1:23 AM  
Blogger web bligged...

Okay, let's have Debbie Harry as our book. Though I reserve the right to hate it and not finish. :-)

In a hurry, will post later.

6/18/2008 11:41 AM  
Blogger Lady S. bligged...

Hating and not finishing is every reader's right in my book! It's late here, so I'll post tomorrow morning.

6/18/2008 3:26 PM  

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